Auteure & Metteuse en scène
Augmented Book / Installation
installation / 2023
(Practical guide of the uses of the body in public space)
This guide, take the shape of a publication on augmented reality, declinable also in Installation. As a kind of partition-book of the urban bodies. A study and a catalog of the mont current postures of the contemporary bodies in public spaces. This prism of reading allows us to define a symbolism, a physical vocabulary of our daily gestures. By this deconstruction, we try to make visible ” the absurd ” of our contemporary body languages and our possible somatization. This allows to create a lexicon which will be formalized and condensed in the ” Practical guide of the usesof the body “. As the title indicates it, it will be about an object in charge of humor and poetry associated with a rigorous scientific study.
Co-AuthorRocio Berenguer Co-AuthorSarah fdili Alaoui CollaboratorJulien Glauser CollaboratorElise Prigent CollaboratorIgnacio Avellino CollaboratorFranck Renucci Graphic DesignJad Hussein
Coproducers & Partners
Université de Toulon
Ville de Marseille
LRI, Université Paris Sud
LIMSI, Université Paris Sud Diagonale Paris Saclay